retrieve a list of users who have both PowerApps Premium and Power Automate
Premium licenses, you can use a PowerShell script. Below is a step-by-step
guide to accomplish this. The script will use the Microsoft Graph API to query
the necessary license details.
- Microsoft
Graph PowerShell Module: Ensure you have the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module
- Admin
Permissions: Ensure you have the required permissions to query user
- Azure
AD App Registration: Register an app in Azure AD and grant the necessary
API permissions to read user licenses.
- Install
Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module:
Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
- Connect
to Microsoft Graph:
-Scopes "User.Read.All"
- PowerShell
Define the SKU IDs for PowerApps Premium and Power Automate Premium
= "c68f8d98-5534-43a8-9110-0d174bc7c6e3" # Replace with actual SKU ID
for PowerApps Premium
= "9c0dab89-a30c-4bfd-8a92-6dff3f1d8d04" # Replace with actual SKU ID
for Power Automate Premium
Get all users in the organization
= Get-MgUser -All
Filter users who have both licenses
= @()
($user in $users) {
# Get the user's license details
$userLicenseDetails = Get-MgUserLicenseDetails
-UserId $user.Id
# Check if the user has both licenses
$hasPowerAppsPremium = $userLicenseDetails.SkuId
-contains $PowerAppsPremiumSkuId
$hasPowerAutomatePremium = $userLicenseDetails.SkuId
-contains $PowerAutomatePremiumSkuId
if ($hasPowerAppsPremium -and $hasPowerAutomatePremium)
$usersWithBothLicenses += $user
Output the list of users with both licenses
| Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName
IDs: Replace the placeholders for PowerAppsPremiumSkuId and PowerAutomatePremiumSkuId with the actual SKU
IDs for those licenses. You can retrieve the SKU IDs by listing all
available licenses using the Graph API.
- Get-MgUser:
Retrieves all users in the organization.
- Get-MgUserLicenseDetails:
Retrieves the license details for each user.
- Filtering:
The script checks if each user has both the PowerApps Premium and Power
Automate Premium licenses. If so, the user is added to the list.
Running the Script
- Open
PowerShell with administrative privileges.
- Run
the script above.
- The
script will output the list of users who have both PowerApps Premium and
Power Automate Premium licenses.
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