Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Azure Function Chaining - Get web Title in SharePoint Online

Visual Studio sample code

Here is the orchestration as a single C# file in a Visual Studio project:
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs; namespace VSSample { public static class HelloSequence { [FunctionName("E1_HelloSequence")] public static async Task<List<string>> Run( [OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContextBase context) { var outputs = new List<string>();
var SiteUrl="";
outputs.Add(await context.CallActivityAsync<string>("E1_GetSiteTitle", SiteUrl)); return outputs; } [FunctionName("E1_GetSiteTitle")] public static string GetSiteTitle([ActivityTrigger] DurableActivityContextBase context)
            string siteDescription = "this is communication site for test purpose";
            string siteUrl = "" + webTitle;
            string tenantURL = "";
            string UName = "";
            string Password = "Mylan@123";
            string communityUrl = string.Empty;

            SecureString securePwd = new SecureString();
            foreach (char c in Password)
            /* Create Site using CreateSiteAsync method */
            using (var ctx = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                // ctx.Credentials = new NetworkCredentials(userName, pwd);
                ctx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(UName, securePwd);
                ctx.RequestTimeout = Timeout.Infinite;

                // Just to output the site details
                Web web = ctx.Web;
                ctx.Load(web, w => w.Title);
                communityUrl = "Web Title is :" + web.Title;

            return $"Hello {communityUrl}!";
} }

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