Monday, December 8, 2014

SharePoint 2010 - Survey List

What is Survey List?
Survey is a way of getting data or feedback from users of your SharePoint sites.
Survey List Template of SharePoint 2010 allows you to create and maintain list of questions and define how users can specify their answers.
Survey List allows you to create multiple types of questions and allows you to select the type of answer to that question, such as Single line of text ,Multiple lines of text , Choice ,Rating Scale  , Number  ,Currency  ,Date and Time ,Lookup ,Yes/No , Person or Group ,Page Separator (inserts a page break into your survey) ,External Data ,Managed Metadata.

A SharePoint survey provides Branching Logic features also.

Extract text or data from PDFs

Depending on the format of your PDF (text-based vs. scanned images), there are various methods for extracting text or data from PDFs. Here a...