postPageCtx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(un, securePwd);
var list = postPageCtx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(pageLibName);
var item = list.GetItemById(pageItemID);
var fieldVals = item.FieldValues;
var postPageUrl = pageSiteUrl + "/SitePages/" + fieldVals["FileLeafRef"].ToString();
In order to reference a column or field using the SharePoint object model, you often need to know its internal name. For example, when creating a CAML query, you can specify the field on which to search by providing its internal name. As opposed to the display name, which can be changed in the UI, the internal name is immutable. While the default display name and the internal name are often identical or similar, they can also be very different. The difference isn’t always consistent. For example, spaces in the display name can be removed, such as IsCheckedoutToLocal, or replaced with the hexadecimal equivalent, such as HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type. Furthermore, the display name can be the same for more than one fields, so the internal name is the only way to distinguish between them.
You can quickly determine the internal name of a field using the UI:
- Open the List Settings page
- Under the Columns section, select a column to view the Edit Column page
- The URL of this page includes the internal name in the query string. For example, the URL for the Created By field includes the following query string List=%7BF641CEF1%2DCDE2%2D49E1%2D9800%2D861A408EF890%7D&Field=Author. The value for the Field parameter, Author, is the internal name for Created By.
However, this approach isn’t always convenient. If the column you want doesn’t already belong to the list, you’d have to first add it.
For reference purpose, below is the list of the display name and corresponding internal name for the default fields of a Document Library.
Approval Status | _ModerationStatus |
Approver Comments | _ModerationComments |
Check In Comment | _CheckinComment |
Checked Out To | CheckoutUser |
Checked Out To | CheckedOutTitle |
Checked Out To | LinkCheckedOutTitle |
Content Type | ContentType |
Content Type ID | ContentTypeId |
Copy Source | _CopySource |
Created | Created |
Created | Created_x0020_Date |
Created By | Author |
Document Created By | Created_x0020_By |
Document Modified By | Modified_x0020_By |
Edit | Edit |
Edit Menu Table End | _EditMenuTableEnd |
Edit Menu Table Start | _EditMenuTableStart |
Effective Permissions Mask | PermMask |
Encoded Absolute URL | EncodedAbsUrl |
File Size | File_x0020_Size |
File Size | FileSizeDisplay |
File Type | File_x0020_Type |
Has Copy Destinations | _HasCopyDestinations |
Html File Link | xd_ProgID |
HTML File Type | HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type |
ID | ID |
ID of the User who has the item Checked Out | CheckedOutUserId |
Instance ID | InstanceID |
Is Checked out to local | IsCheckedoutToLocal |
Is Current Version | _IsCurrentVersion |
Is Signed | xd_Signature |
Item Type | FSObjType |
Level | _Level |
Merge | Combine |
Modified | Modified |
Modified | Last_x0020_Modified |
Modified By | Editor |
Name | FileLeafRef |
Name | LinkFilenameNoMenu |
Name | LinkFilename |
Name | BaseName |
Order | Order |
owshiddenversion | owshiddenversion |
Path | FileDirRef |
ProgId | ProgId |
Property Bag | MetaInfo |
Relink | RepairDocument |
ScopeId | ScopeId |
Select | SelectTitle |
Select | SelectFilename |
Server Relative URL | ServerUrl |
Shared File Index | _SharedFileIndex |
Source Name (Converted Document) | ParentLeafName |
Source Url | _SourceUrl |
Source Version (Converted Document) | ParentVersionString |
Template Link | TemplateUrl |
Title | Title |
Type | DocIcon |
UI Version | _UIVersion |
Unique Id | UniqueId |
URL Path | FileRef |
Version | _UIVersionString |
Virus Status | VirusStatus |
Workflow Instance ID | WorkflowInstanceID |
Workflow Version | WorkflowVersion |
In my case, I’m interested in the Name field. I wouldn’t have guessed that it would be mapped to FileLeafRef.
Referenced Link :
My code for CSOM as given Below.
postPageCtx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, secureUsrPwd);
var list = postPageCtx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(pageLibName);
var item = list.GetItemById(pageItemID);
var fieldVals = item.FieldValues;
var postPageUrl = pageSiteUrl + "/SitePages/" + fieldVals["FileLeafRef"].ToString();