Friday, October 25, 2013


NPOI  is the .NET version of POI Java project at POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application.

we can use it to
a. generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background;
b. extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines).
c. extract images from Office documents
d. generate Excel sheets that contains formulas

Advantage of NPOI
a. It's totally free to use
b. Cover most features of Excel (cell style, data format, formula and so on)
c. Professional support service (even 24*7) from NPOI team (not free)
d. Support xls, xlsx, docx.
e. Designed to be interface-oriented (take a look at NPOI.SS namespace)
f. Support not only export but also import
g. .Net 2.0 based even for xlsx and docx (though we also support .NET 4.0)
h. Successful cases from all over the world
i. huge amout of basic examples

System Requirement

VS2010 with .NET 4.0 runtime
VS2005 or VS2008 with .NET 2.0 Runtime (SP1)
vs2003 with .NET 1.1
medium trust environment in ASP.NET

Reading the excel data:-

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Documentum Overview

What is Documentum?

Documentum is document management software that provides management of document content and attributes such as check-in, check-out, workflow, and version management. The Documentum product is a three-tier, client-server system built on top of a relational database.

A Docbase is a Documentum repository that stores document content, attributes, relationships, versions, renditions, formats, workflow, and security. Documentum Query Language (DQL), an extended SQL dialect, is used to query Documentum data. A Docbase is the equivalent of an Oracle instance or a DB2(R) database plus document content files. 

The metadata is stored in the underlying relational database management system (RDBMS), and the content is stored as binary large objects (BLOBs) in the database or as files stored within the file-system of the server system. For more information on Documentum, refer to the Documentum manuals.

The wrapper for Documentum allows you to add a Documentum data source to a DB2 federated system. By adding the Documentum data source to a federated system, you can use SQL statements to access and query objects and registered tables in a Documentum Docbase. You can then integrate this data with other data sources in your federated system without having to move the data out of the native data source. 

Enterprise Content Management Documentum Overview

What is ECM?

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured information, wherever that information exists.

Why we need ECM?

1- Enterprise Content Management The ECM platform helps manage unstructured content Over 80% of enterprise content is unstructured Problems associated with unstructured content: Ineffectively classified Difficult to find Not secure Structured Unstructured Email & Attachments PDFs Checks X-rays Paper Documents Rich Media Web Pages Audio & Video Records Invoices Manuals Claims Contracts Instant Messages Forms Images XML Rows and Columns

History In 2003

EMC acquires Documentum, Inc., further advancing its Information Lifecycle Management strategy—to enable customers to get the maximum value from their information, from creation and collaborative use to archiving and disposal. In 2005 continuing its focus on the content management opportunity, EMC acquires Captiva Software, a leading provider of input management solutions. Captiva's market leading products provide capabilities critical to implementing advanced information lifecycle management initiatives.

EMC Content Management Portfolio

Documentum Family The EMC Documentum product family helps you manage all types of content across multiple departments within a single repository. With a unified repository, various groups can easily share and reuse their content with other areas of the business that would benefit from access to this valuable information. Our product family also allows your business to share its content safely with outside organizations including partners, vendors, and customers. Captiva Family The EMC Captiva family helps you transform business critical information from paper, fax and electronic data sources into business-ready content suitable for processing by enterprise applications. You’ll easily automate the processing of billions of documents annually, quickly and accurately converting their contents into information that is usable for all enterprise business processes in a timely and cost-effective manner

Sharepoint 2010 Interview Questions

Q. What are WebParts?
Ans. Web Parts are self-contained packages of user interface that can be dropped onto a SharePoint Web Part page to provide discrete set of functionality to the users. They can simply be described as re-usable Code units.

Q. What are Features?
Ans. Features represent a set of functionality (code) that can be activated and de-activated at various levels in SharePoint. Using Features, you can do everything from adding a link to the Site Settings page to creating a complete fully functioning Project suite that can be added to any SharePoint site. Developers can scope feature to the following level -
. Web
. Site
. WebApplication
. Farm

Q. What are Solutions?
Ans. Solutions are the container packages for Features. Solution basically, is a cabinet (.cab) file with extension .wsp which contains various components needed to be deployed(features, webparts, custom forms etc) along with files that describe some important metadata about those Components. Once a Solution is installed on a server in the farm, you can deploy it to any webapplication from your Solution Management.

Q. What is a .ddf file and what does it have to do with SharePoint Solution creation?
Ans. A .ddf file is a data directive file which describes the files need to be deployed and their destination (in SharePoint). .ddf is used when building the SharePoint solution. This file is a parameter to makecab.exe which outputs the wsp file.

Q. What is the difference between a site and a web in SharePoint?
Ans. A site in sharePoint is a site collection. It is an object of SPsite class in sharepoint. A Web however, is simply a blank site within that site collection. Web is a Part of SPweb class, thus represents a site within a site collection.

Q. What is CAML?
Ans. CAML stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language and is an XML-based language that is used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services to define sites and lists for E.g. fields, views, or forms etc. Developers mostly use CAML to write Queries to retrieve data from Lists\libraries.

Q. What is Custom action?
Ans. Represents a link, toolbar button, menu item, or any control that can be added to a toolbar or menu that appears in the UI. For e.g. "New Folder" button in your document library is a custom action or "View All Site Content" in your Site Settings is a custom action.

Q. What are Master pages in SharePoint?
Ans. These are the pages that provide a consistent layout and appearance (look and feel) for SharePoint sites. A master Page consist of a Site logo, Top navigation, left navigation(some cases) and a footer. In SharePoint Master Pages are stored in _catalogs folder or Master Page Gallery from UI.

Q. What are Layout Pages in SharePoint?
Ans. A Layout page defines the Layouts(structure including Webpart zones) of a content page in SharePoint. Layout pages are not same as Master Page. A Layout Page is contained inside the content area surrounded by mater Page.

Q. What is a SharePoint Theme?
Ans. A Theme is a group of files (CSS, images) that allow you to define the appearance (look and feel) of content pages in SharePoint. A Theme defines the design of various components for e.g. Content Page background-color,button color,webpart title color etc to give a different look and feel to your site.

Q. What is a web part zone?
Ans. Web part zones are what your web parts reside in. Each webpart zone can contain number of webparts and can be positioned in a specific way to create a webpart Layout Page.

Q. What is Business Data Catalog or BDC ?
Ans. It is a shared service that enables Office SharePoint Server 2007 to display business data from various back-end servers into a SharePoint page. Business Data Catalog or BDC provides built-in support for displaying data with various webparts and list\list columns that can help in easy creation of dashboards with data from your SQL, web services, SAP, Siebel, or any other line-of-business (LOB) applications.

Q What is a Site definition?
Ans. A Site definition is a collection of Files such as ONET.XML which defines the Site template for e.g. Team Sites used to create a Site in SharePoit. All the out-of-box site Templates like Blog,Wiki,Team Site etc can be found in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\

Q What is a Site Template?
Ans. Any Site along with the content can be saved as a template. If a site is saved as a Template it is stored in Site templates folder as a .stp file. This template is then re-used to create a new site which will have the pre-saved settings.

Q. What are content types?
Ans. A content type is a flexible and reusable template of type list item or document that defines the columns and behavior for an item in a list or a document in a document library. For example, you can create a content type for a Requirement document with a columns such LOE,Version,Approver,Date Created,Date Revised etc and this can be re-used in various document libraries.

Q. what is Central administration?
Ans. This is a site used by admins to mange and configure settings for SharePoint web applications or the whole farm.

Q. What are event receivers or event Handlers in SharePoint?
Ans. Event Receivers or Event handlers are created to handle the basic actions or events against an item,list\library, a web or a site. There are two kinds of events in sharepoint.

Synchronous Events: Like Itemadding (not added yet), Uploading (document not uploaded yet) etc.

Asynchronous Events: ItemAdded (after item is added), Uploaded(after a document is uploaded)

Events receivers can be written to override an event for e.g. ItemAdded event to change the name of an Item once it is added.

Q. What is stsadm?
Ans. It is a Command-line tool used for administration of Office SharePoint 2007 (or MOSS 2007) servers and sites. Basic operations like adding a solution or installing activating and feature is usually done by stsadm.

Q. What permissions are required to perform stsadm operations?
Ans. You need to be a member of WSS_ADMIN_WPG group to perform deployments for sharepoint server. Also, you need to be added into administrators group on a computer on which SharePoint Server or WSS 3.0 is installed. In addition to this you definitely need access to the required sharepoint databases so that you should not get errors while deploying sharepoint solutions.

Q. Where is it located?
Ans. You will normally, find it under C:\Program Files\Common Files\ shared\web server extensions\12\bin.

Q What is a DWP?
Ans. Its a webpart file extension.

Q What is the GAC?
Ans. Global Assembly Cache folder (or assembly) stores the strongly typed signed assemblies for webparts or other sharepoint components(which require full trust) for services to share them.

Q. What are Application Pages, Site Pages and Content Pages?


Application Pages - An application page is deployed once per Web server and cannot be customized on a site-by-site basis. They stay in 12 hive folder structure, mostly under layouts folder.

Site Pages - These are pages that make up the site interface and are specific to one site or site collection.They mostly get stored in the content database of the site collection.

Content Pages - Site Page which contains webpart or other custom components. This Page is stored in database. They mostly get stored in the content database of the site collection.

Q.What are the Permission levels in SharePoint?
Ans. Permission levels in SharePoint are -

* Limited Access - They can view Application Pages, Browse User Information, Use Remote Interfaces, Use Client Integration Features etc.

* Reader - Limited Access permissions plus: View Items, Open Items, View Versions, Create Alerts, Use Self-Service Site Creation, View Pages.

* Contributor - Read permissions plus: Add Items, Edit Items, Delete Items, Delete Versions, Browse Directories, Edit Personal User Information, Manage Personal Views, Add/Remove Personal Web Parts, Update Personal Web Parts.

* Design - Contribute permissions plus: Manage Lists, Override Check Out, Approve Items, Add and Customize Pages, Apply Themes and Borders, Apply Style Sheets.

* Administrator - Has full control of the Web site.

* Full Control - All permissions.

Q. What are Site Columns?
Ans. Site columns are pre-defined data columns(along with default values) which are re-used in various content types. A Content type is usually a collection of site columns. For e.g. you can create a site column "Category" with a choice datatype along with the pre-defined values "It","Hr". This column then can be added to any content type in your list or library.

Q. What does each individual Site collection offers?
Ans. An Individual Site collection offers following :
For the Users:
Dedicated Recycle bins
Dedicated usage Reports
Distributed administration (site collection administrators)
Dedicated search scopes, keywords, and best-bets
Custom feature deployments
Dedicated language translation maintenance
Dedicated galleries for web parts, master pages, content types, site columns, site templates, and list templates
Dedicated shared libraries, such as site collection images and site collection styles
Dedicated real estate (Self Containment)

For the IT Administrators:
Site quota templates
Distributed administration
Site locking
Database maintenance options
Backup / Restore abilities
Content Deployments
InfoPath forms services global template targeting

Q. When would you use a Different Site Collection for you new site?.
Ans. We would prefer to make our new site in a seprate site collection for the following are the reasons:
1. Site quotas is one of the reasons. The issue is the recycle bin is based on site collections and the quota for a site collection. If everyone shares a site collection, then they share the recycle bins storage size.

2. Delegated Security and distributed administration is the next big thing. For eg, you have a IT department that doesn't know who should be able to see what content, besides how it should be organized. This is the job of the content owners and users. SharePoint site collections offers IT the ability to create a site collection for a project, team, department, document, or whatever the needs are, then assign an owner and hand it off to them.

3. In addition to these two if you need to separate the content between databases because of space issue.

Q. What is a Field Control?
Ans. Field controls are server controls that provide the basic field functionality of SharePoint. For example a Inputbox (single line text) to enter the title of the item. You can create your own FieldControl by inheriting classes from BaseFieldControl namespace.

Q. How do you develop webparts in SharePoint?
Ans. You can either develop a simple webpart with C# class library project or can use various tools available in the market. VSeWSS is an extension provided by Microsoft that consist of a webpart template for easy webpart creation and deployment. Other tools are wspbuilder, stsdev etc.

Q. Explain webpart life cycle.
Ans. protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
protected override void CreateChildControls()
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) //Only at Postback
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e)
public override void Dispose()

Q. While creating a Web part, which is the ideal location to Initialize my new controls?
Ans. CreateChildControls is the method where we initialize all the child controls.

Q. Do we always need to override Is Render() method.
Ans. We override render only in case if we need to define the rendering of our controls in the webpart.

Q. What is the WebPartManager sealed class?
Ans. The WebPartManager sealed class is responsible for managing everything occurring on a WebPart page, such as the WebParts (controls), events, and misc. functionality that will occur in WebPartZones. Each Page will have only one WebPartManager reference on the page.

Q. What are WebPart Properties?
Ans. WebPart Properties are properties defined from the right toolpane of the webpart. These are settings or values set by the end user and are used within your webpart. For e.g. WebPart title, Description etc. Some of the attributes which you can define for your custom property are WebDescription, WebDisplayName, Category, Personalizable, and WebBrowsable.

Q. How does Windows SharePoint Services help render the Webapplictaion in ShrePoint?
Ans. When a new web applictaion is created via Central Admin, Windows SharePoint Services creates a new Web application in IIS. Then the WSS, loads the custom HTTP application and replaces all installed HTTP handlers and modules with Windows SharePoint Services–specific ones. These handlers and modules essentially tell IIS to route all file requests through the ASP.NET 2.0 pipeline. This is because most files in a SharePoint site are stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Q. What files gets created on a file system, when a Site collection is created ?
Ans. Windows SharePoint Services does not create any files or folders on the file system when the site collection or sites are created; everything is created in the content database. The Pages for the site collection are created as instances in the content database. These instances refer to the actual file on the file system.

Q.How Does SharePoint work?
Ans. The browser sends a DAV packet to IIS asking to perform a document check in. PKMDASL.DLL, an ISAPI DLL, parses the packet and sees that it has the proprietary INVOKE command. Because of the existence of this command, the packet is passed off to msdmserv.exe, who in turn processes the packet and uses EXOLEDB to access the WSS, perform the operation and send the results back to the user in the form of XML.

Q. What is Authentication and Authorization.
Ans. An authentication system is how you identify yourself to the computer. The goal behind an authentication system is to verify that the user is actually who they say they are.
Once the system knows who the user is through authentication, authorization is how the system decides what the user can do.

Q. What are Security methods(Authentication methods) available in sharepoint
Ans. "Out of the box", SharePoint 2007 supports nine authentication methods. But NTLM (Windows authentication) and Kerberos (Windows "standard" authentication) are offered during installation.

Q. Workflow can be applied to what all elements of SharePoint ?
Ans. Workflow associations can be created directly on lists\libraries and content types.

Q. What are the types of input forms that can be created for a workflow ?
Ans. You can create four different types of input forms including
1. An association form
2. An initiation form
3. A modification form
4. A task edit form

Q. What is the difference between method activity and event activity in WorkFlow ?
Ans. A method activity is one that performs an action, such as creating or updating a task. An event activity is one that runs in response to an action occurring.

Q. What does SPWeb.EnsureUser() do?
Ans. This method Checks whether the specified login name is a valid user of the SharePoint web.

Q. What does AllowUnsafeUpdates do ?
Ans. If you need to modify some data in you SharePoint site for e.g. update a list item or list properties you may need to allow unsafe updates on the Web site. you can set it to we.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false once your done.

Q. What is the webservice used to retrieve or add list items in sharepoint?
Ans. List.asmx is a Out-of-box webservice provided to add\update\delete and retrieve list items. It can be accessed from "http://SPSite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx" path.

Monday, July 22, 2013

SharePoint 2013 video tutorials

SharePoint 2013 training for developers

Here are some SharePoint 2013 video tutorials for developers provided by microsoft. The download link is available below.

1. Introduction to Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 Development

2. SharePoint 2013 app model for developers

3. SharePoint 2013 developer tools

4. Hosted apps in SharePoint 2013

5. Create cloud-hosted apps for SharePoint 2013

6. SharePoint 2013 Client object model (CSOM) and REST APIs

7. OAuth and application identity in SharePoint 2013

8. Develop SharePoint 2013 remote event receivers

9. Workflow changes and features in SharePoint 2013

10. Business connectivity services changes in SharePoint 2013

11. Search features and changes in SharePoint 2013

12. Enterprise content management changes in SharePoint 2013

13. Web content management changes and features in SharePoint 2013

14. Social features in SharePoint 2013

15. Office services in SharePoint 2013

16. Create mobile apps for SharePoint 2013

17. Develop apps for Office 2013

18. Project Server 2013 training for developers

Please follow this link for the videos above.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SharePoint 2010: Client Object Model for JavaScript (ECMAScript)

Use ECMAScript Library

At first use Visual Studio 2010 to create a SharePoint web part project. As a result, VS2010 will open a ascx control for you on the designer. 

1. Add reference to js file:

To use Client OM, add an entry like below in your web part ascx control. For your information, there’s an debug version of the sp.js called sp.debug.js which you can use for debugging but should not be used in production.
<SharePoint:ScriptLink Name="SP.js" runat="server" OnDemand="true" 
    Localizable="false" />
Here, OnDemand means whether the sp.js file need to be loaded on demand (not in page load) or not.

2. Add FormDigest tag:

If your code modifies SharePoint content add a FormDigest control inside your page. The FormDigest add a security token inside your page based on user, site and time. Once the page is posted back the security token is validated. Once the security token is generated it’s valid for a configurable amount of time. Add the FormDigest inside <form>…</form> tag, as shown below:
<SharePoint:FormDigest runat="server" />
For more information on FormDigest follow the links below:

3. Use Client OM to retrieve data:

Now you can use SharePoint ECMAScript library. Lets dissect the code snippet below. The first thing in using this library is that you need to get the ClientContext (just like SPContext). Then the context.get_web returns the current web (just like SPContext.Current.Web). Then client context’s load method is invoked passing the web object. Then the executequery method is invoked asynchronously passing two functions: onSuccess and OnFailed which will be called on success and fail correspondingly.
<script type="text/javascript">
    function getWebProperties() {
        var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        this.web = ctx.get_web();
        ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onSuccess),
            Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail));
    function onSuccess(sender, args) {
        alert('web title:' + this.web.get_title() + '\n ID:' + this.web.get_id() + 
            '\n Created Date:' + this.web.get_created());
    function onFail(sender, args) {
        alert('failed to get list. Error:'+args.get_message());
By calling getWebProperties method from any web part, you can get the current web’s title, id and creation date.

4. Load minimal data you need:

In the above code snippet, the Ctx.load method is invoked with only one parameter (web). The load method will load all properties of the web object. But we are only using Id, Title and Created Date properties. If you know which properties you are interested in, you can pass the properties names in the load method and only those properties will be loaded. For example the following load method will return only ID, Title and Created Date.
Remember, here the properties names are properties of SPWeb. You need to pass Title instead of title. The properties name uses CAML casing. You can get the full lists of ECMAScript namespaces, object, properties following the link on MSDN. The document is not final yet and may be changed. You can also look into the sp.debug.js file in the folder “Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS”, to get an idea of objects, properties and methods of ECMAScript Client OM.

5. Execute your JavaScript function after sp.js is loaded:

Sometimes you may need to execute your JavaScript (that uses ECMAScript Client OM) on page load in the browser. But since your JavaScript is using sp.js file and if the sp.js file is not loaded yet (since to lazy loading nature of sp.js), when your custom JavaScript will be executing, you’ll get your JavaScript function not executed. In this case you need to make sure your JavaScript code runs after sp.js finishes loading. You can do so by putting your JavaScript method call inside a js function as shown below:
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(myjsfucntion, "sp.js");
Putting your JavaScript function (i.e., myjsfunction) inside the ExecuteOrDelyUntilScriptLoaded method delays your method call until the sp.js file is loaded.

6. Update with ECMAScript Library:

You can use the Client OM to update SharePoint contents. The following code snippet shows how to update web title.
<script type="text/javascript">
    function updateTitle() {
        var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        this.web = ctx.get_web();
        ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onUpdate),
            Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail));
    function onUpdate(sender, args) {
        alert('title updated');
    function onFail(sender, args) {
        alert('failed to update title. Error:'+args.get_message());
By calling the updateTitle method from any web part or SharePoint application pages, you can change the title of current web site (where the web part or application page is deployed). For your information, in ECMAScript Client OM, to get an property use get_propertyName and to set a property use set_propertyName. To update list with ECMAScript library you need to add FormDigest tag.

Use JQuery with ECMAScript

You can use JQuery with ECMAScript without any conflict. As usual, you need to add jquery.js file reference to your page/web part or in master page. Then you can use JQuery as like normal applications. But make sure that if you need to execute any JavaScript function on page load event, you put this inside ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded function.

Deployment Consideration

SharePoint provides two sets of JavaScript file: minified and unminified/debug version. For example sp.js file is minified and sp.debug is minified and debug version. The default master page in SharePoint has a scriptmanager in the page and whose ScriptMode is set to auto, as a result the minified version of js file loaded. If you want to use debug version you can add the <deployment retail="false" /> in the <system.web> section of the web.config. In the production you need to remove this entry to make sure minified version is used. The ECMAScript supported in the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or greater.
  • Firefox 3.5 or greater
  • Safari 4.0 or greater

Create visual webpart in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint 2013, both web user control and the webpart class are merged to one template file, not like SharePoint 2010.

To create visual webpart follow below steps:

Open Visual Studio 2012, From the left side select Office/SharePoint and then from the right hand side select SharePoint 2013 Visual Web Part.

In SharePoint 2013 you can deploy visual webpart as a sandboxed solution apart from farm solution. So in the Next screen select Deploy as a farm solution and click on Ok. Also you can give the site URL for debugging.

Then write the code in the code behind file as in SharePoint 2010.

After finish coding you can debug or deploy the webpart.

Create new site group in SharePoint 2013

Follow below steps to create new site SharePoint group:

From the Top level of site collection go to Site Actions -> Site Settings.
Then from the Site Settings page from Users and Permissions group select People and Groups.

Now in the Group Management area, Select the Groups link from the left-hand navigation menu. This will open the Groups listing page.

On the New menu of the toolbar, select Create New Group. This will open the Create Group Page.

In the Create Group page, Enter name of the group, also enter the Description of the group in the About Me section. Then enter the group owner name. In the Group Settings section chose from the radit button and click on Create.

Add a Geolocation column to a list programmatically in SharePoint 2013

Here in this article we will discuss about how we can add a Geolocation column to a SharePoint 2013 list using SharePoint 2013 client object model.

SharePoint 2013 Preview introduces a new field type named Geolocation that enables you to annotate SharePoint lists with location information. In columns of type Geolocation, you can enter location information as a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees or retrieve the coordinates of the user’s current location from the browser if it implements the W3C Geolocation API.

First we need to add the below 2 dlls to work with SharePoint 2013 client object model.



Then we need to write the using statement like below:

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

Below is the full code:

ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://site url"); 

List oList = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("MyCustomList");

oList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Geolocation' DisplayName='Location'/>",true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue);                                        



Difference between SharePoint designer and Visual Studio workflows

Below are some differences between SharePoint designer workflows and Visual Studio workflows.

SharePoint Designer:
- SharePoint Designer is a code-free environment.

- Through designer we can make Sequential workflows only.

- Workflows created by designer can be deployed across a site collection only not beyond that.

- These workflows automatically deployed into SharePoint.

- Visio can be used to model workflow logic.

- But no debugging available to step through a workflow at runtime.

- Intuitive support for forms customization.

- Workflows cannot be modified at runtime.

- Compiled just-in-time.

Visual Studio:
- Code-centric development

- Visual studio workflows supports both sequential and state machines.

- These workflows deployable across entire farm via a feature.

- Must be packaged within a feature and deployed by a farm administrator or in a sandbox.

- No support for Visio.

- Full debugging experience available.

- Less intuitive InfoPath integration. Availability for ASP.NET custom forms.

- Workflows can be modified while running.

- Compiled at design time.

Correlation ID in SharePoint 2010

Correlation ID in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 maintains logs in different areas. So it is very difficult to find what exactly the error is. But SharePoint provides a id which is known as correlation ID which is nothing but a GUID that is assigned to each conversation a user does or a SharePoint process does.

A site collection administrator can take the correlation id and search in the trace log to know where exactly the error occurred.

Just to remember for each entry in the trace log it contains a Correlation ID.

Also that entry contains the correlation id and some meaningful error message.

The correlation ID is exposed when an error page is displayed, and throughout the trace logs

Tuesday, July 16, 2013



The Employee's Provident Fund (PF) Contribution along with the Employer's Provident Contribution Amount Deducted from Your Salary Every Month is deposited in the Provident Fund account with Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) provides a facility online to check your PF balance with the status of the account.This facility is available to the organizations who manage their PF with EPCO. The information is not available for the organisation's who have their own private PF trust

Steps To Check Your PF Balance Available with EPCO

  1. Visit The EPCO Website 
  2. Select your State
  3. Select Your EPCO Office
  4. Enter Your PF Account Details :
  • State - 2 Characters - Auto Filled after Selection
  • City  - 3 Characters - Auto Filled after Selection
  • Establishment Code - Maximum of 7 Characters
  • Extension Code - Maximum 3 Characters
  • Your PF Account Number - 7 Characters
          Eg. PF Account No. is MH/THN/12345/67   :  
          STATE - MH,
          CITY - THN
          ESTABLISHMENT CODE - 12345
          EXTENSION - 000 (leave blank)
          PF Account - 67.
  • Enter Name as in Pay Slip
  • Enter Your Mobile Number (Working as SMS would be sent on this number)
  • Select the tick mark to Agree the information provided
  • Select Submit for completing your request.
  • You would receive the SMS in a few minutes with your account details

Power Automate + Excel data

Extract excel data, get manager and update row with user details which will get from GET MANAGER Concepts and examples Key column:  Column i...